Results for 'Kerry Tim Ketcher'

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  1.  94
    Self‐Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity – By Christine Korsgaard. [REVIEW]Tim Ketcher - 2010 - Philosophical Investigations 33 (4):384-386.
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  2. Delusion and self-deception: Mapping the terrain.Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández - 2008 - In Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández (eds.), Delusion and Self-Deception: Affective and Motivational Influences on Belief Formation (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science). Psychology Press. pp. 1-21.
    The papers in this volume are drawn from a workshop on delusion and self-deception, held at Macquarie University in November of 2004. Our aim was to bring together theorists working on delusions and self-deception with an eye towards identifying and fostering connections—at both empirical and conceptual levels—between these domains. As the contributions to this volume testify, there are multiple points of contact between delusion and self-deception. This introduction charts the conceptual space in which these points of contact can be located (...)
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  3. Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Theory.Tim Maudlin - 2019 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A sophisticated and original introduction to the philosophy of quantum mechanics from one of the world’s leading philosophers of physics In this book, Tim Maudlin, one of the world’s leading philosophers of physics, offers a sophisticated, original introduction to the philosophy of quantum mechanics. The briefest, clearest, and most refined account of his influential approach to the subject, the book will be invaluable to all students of philosophy and physics. Quantum mechanics holds a unique place in the history of physics. (...)
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    Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives.Tim Hayward (ed.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    First published in 1997, this book discusses the interplaying factors environmental issues have on justice and property and other social problems. Endeavouring create a discourse on what sustainability means in implementation, each of the contributors to this book approaches this via different theoretical viewpoints.
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  5. The demands of consequentialism.Tim Mulgan - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Tim Mulgan presents a penetrating examination of consequentialism: the theory that human behavior must be judged in terms of the goodness or badness of its consequences. The problem with consequentialism is that it seems unreasonably demanding, leaving us no room for our own aims and interests. In response, Mulgan offers his own, more practical version of consequentialism--one that will surely appeal to philosophers and laypersons alike.
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    Beauty: Synthesis of Intellect and Senses Commentary on the Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics: Beauty is the Perfect Semiotic Fitting by Kalevi Kull.Tim Ireland - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-9.
    In The Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics: Beauty is the Perfect Semiotic Fitting Kull makes a foray into the concept of Beauty. His target article is a welcome contribution not only for providing a biosemiotic notion of beauty but also as a trigger for further enquiry into the matter. Additionally, Kull delivers a new concept: Semiotic Fitting, shining new light on the Umwelt theory. My commentary embraces the challenge Kull presents. Offering an alternate view on beauty, as a matter, and product, (...)
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    (1 other version)Hypnosis and the unity of consciousness.Tim Bayne - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson (ed.), Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 93-109.
    Hypnosis appears to generate unusual—and sometimes even astonishing—changes in the contents of consciousness. Hypnotic subjects report perceiving things that are not there, they report not perceiving things that are there, and they report unusual alterations in the phenomenology of agency. In addition to apparent alterations in the contents of consciousness, hypnosis also appears to involve alterations in the structure of consciousness. According to many theorists—most notably Hilgard—hypnosis demonstrates that the unity of consciousness is an illusion (Hilgard 1977).
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  8. Delusion and Self-Deception: Affective and Motivational Influences on Belief Formation (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science).Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández (eds.) - 2008 - Psychology Press.
    This collection of essays focuses on the interface between delusions and self-deception.
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    Knowledge, Safety, and Practical Reasoning.Tim Henning - 2013 - In Tim Henning & David P. Schweikard (eds.), Knowledge, Virtue, and Action: Putting Epistemic Virtues to Work. New York: Routledge.
  10.  98
    Does AI Debias Recruitment? Race, Gender, and AI’s “Eradication of Difference”.Eleanor Drage & Kerry Mackereth - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (4):1-25.
    In this paper, we analyze two key claims offered by recruitment AI companies in relation to the development and deployment of AI-powered HR tools: (1) recruitment AI can objectively assess candidates by removing gender and race from their systems, and (2) this removal of gender and race will make recruitment fairer, help customers attain their DEI goals, and lay the foundations for a truly meritocratic culture to thrive within an organization. We argue that these claims are misleading for four reasons: (...)
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    Outline of a dynamical inferential conception of the application of mathematics.Tim Räz & Tilman Sauer - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 49:57-72.
    We outline a framework for analyzing episodes from the history of science in which the application of mathematics plays a constitutive role in the conceptual development of empirical sciences. Our starting point is the inferential conception of the application of mathematics, recently advanced by Bueno and Colyvan. We identify and discuss some systematic problems of this approach. We propose refinements of the inferential conception based on theoretical considerations and on the basis of a historical case study. We demonstrate the usefulness (...)
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  12.  53
    Person sein und Geschichten erzählen - Eine Studie über personale Autonomie und narrative Gründe.Tim Henning - 2009 - DeGruyter.
    This monograph develops an argument for the following view: In leading an autonomous life, persons make choices and adopt attitudes of a distinctive kind. To justify these choices and attitudes, they need to draw on knowledge about their biographies. More specifically, their biographies are a source of a distinctive type of practical reasons. These reasons are typically such that their adequate articulation will have a narrative structure. Along the way, the book develops what has been called "the best analysis of (...)
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  13. ", Adieu Welt"? Die vermeintliche Abkehr vom Diesseits in der Barocklyrik.Tim Gollasch - 2011 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 37 (1):311-340.
  14.  8
    Der Mythos von der Wirklichkeit: eine Konfrontation des neurowissenschaftlichen Konstruktivismus mit Platons Philosophie.Tim Gollasch - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
  15.  72
    Sport, Aesthetic Experience, and Art as the Ideal Embodied Metaphor.Tim L. Elcombe - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):201-217.
    Despite a prevalence of articles exploring links between sport and art in the 1970s and 1980s, philosophers in the new millennium pay relatively little explicit attention to issues related to aesthetics generally. After providing a synopsis of earlier debates over the questions ‘is sport art?’ and ‘are aesthetics implicit to sport?’, a pragmatically informed conception of aesthetic experience will be developed. Aesthetic experience, it will be argued, vitally informs sport ethics, game logic, and participant meaning. Finally, I will argue that (...)
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  16. What is wrong with typological thinking?Tim Lewens - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (3):355-371.
    What, if anything, is wrong with typological thinking? The question is important, for some evolutionary developmental biologists appear to espouse a form of typology. I isolate four allegations that have been brought against it. They include the claim that typological thinking is mystical; the claim that typological thinking is at odds with the fact of evolution; the claim that typological thinking is committed to an objectionable metaphysical view, which Elliott Sober calls the ‘natural state model’; and finally the view (endorsed (...)
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  17. Intencionalidad.Tim Crane - 2006 - Laguna 19:9-28.
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    U čemu je problem opažanja?Tim Crane - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (2):257-282.
    Što je distinktivno filozofski problem opažanja? Ovdje se tvrdi da je to konflikt između prirode opažajnog iskustva kakva nam se intuitivno čini, te stanovitih mogućnosti koje su implicitne upravo u ideji iskustva: mogućnosti iluzije i halucinacije. Opažajno iskustvo čini nam se kao odnos prema svojim objektima, vrsta »otvorenosti prema svijetu« koja uključuje izravnu svijest postojećih objekata i njihovih svojstava. Ali ako netko može imati iskustvo iste vrste a da objekt nije tamo – halucinaciju objekta – onda izgleda da opažajno iskustvo (...)
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  19. Species, essence and explanation.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (4):751-757.
    Michael and has argued that species have intrinsic essences. This paper rebuts Devitt’s arguments, but in so doing it shores up the anti-essentialist consensus in two ways that have more general interest. First, species membership can be explanatory even when species have no essences; that is, Tamsin’s membership of the tiger species can explain her stripyness, without this committing us to any further claim about essential properties of tigers. Second, even the views of species that appear most congenial to essentialism—namely (...)
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    Deontic Cycling and the Structure of Commonsense Morality.Tim Willenken - 2012 - Ethics 122 (3):545-561.
    A range of extremely plausible moral principles turn out to generate “deontic cycling”: sets of actions wherein I have stronger reason to do B than A, C than B, and A than C. Indeed, just about anything recognizable as commonsense morality generates deontic cycling. This matters for two reasons. First, it creates a problem for the widely held view that agent-centered rankings can square consequentialism with commonsense morality. Second, it forces a choice between some deeply plausible views about rationality—wherein someone (...)
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  21.  20
    Social Spencerism.Tim Delaney - 2009 - Philosophy Now 71:20-21.
  22.  34
    Direction in a community of ethical inquiry.Tim Sprod - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7 (2).
    In response to Hand’s paper, I undertake three tasks. Firstly, I believe that his characterisation of the theory and practice of Community of Inquiry facilitation does not take account of approaches to indoctrination and the idea of philosophical self-effacement that can lessen his worries. Secondly, I will argue that Hand makes some sharp cuts—particularly between justified, controversial and unjustified moral standards—that do not stand up to scrutiny, and that he unnecessarily narrows the scope of moral inquiry. Finally, I will explore (...)
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    Norms for political cynics. A metatheoretical exploration of the relation between power and normativity in politics.Tim Heysse - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Supporters of political realism and republicanism as well as students of political feasibility and non-ideal theory progressively focus on the dimension of power in the political relation. Yet we lack the theoretical framework to represent these features of power. In this essay, I take a first step towards designing the necessary conceptual tools for such a framework by analyzing the relations between the concepts of power and normativity that define the political relation. Adopting a ‘methodological cynicism’, I analyse the reasons (...)
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  24. Roles all the way down.Tim Dare - 2019 - In Tim Dare & Christine Swanton (eds.), Perspectives in Role Ethics: Virtues, Reasons, and Obligation. New York: Routledge.
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  25. What We Can Learn from the Skeptical Puzzle.Tim Black - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (2):439-447.
    There is reason to think that a familiar and frequently used epistemic closure principle is false. Given this, the relevant instance of that principle should be removed from a familiar skeptical argument, and replaced with an instance of a more plausible epistemic closure principle. Once this has been done, however, we see that even if the resulting skeptical argument is unsound, we need deny neither closure nor the claim that we know the things we ordinarily take ourselves to know. Nothing (...)
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    Nietzsche in Turin: An Intimate Biography.Tim Madigan - 2000 - Philosophy Now 29:43-44.
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    The Ancient Cynics: The First Environmentalists.Tim Madigan - 2008 - Philosophy Now 65:16-16.
  28. Scientific Inference and Ordinary Cognition: Fodor on Holism and Cognitive Architecture.Tim Fuller & Richard Samuels - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (2):201-237.
    Do accounts of scientific theory formation and revision have implications for theories of everyday cognition? We maintain that failing to distinguish between importantly different types of theories of scientific inference has led to fundamental misunderstandings of the relationship between science and everyday cognition. In this article, we focus on one influential manifestation of this phenomenon which is found in Fodor's well-known critique of theories of cognitive architecture. We argue that in developing his critique, Fodor confounds a variety of distinct claims (...)
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  29. (1 other version)A Surfeit of Naturalism.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (1-2):46-57.
    Philosophers have nothing to lose, and much to gain, by paying close attention to developments in the natural sciences. This insight amounts to a case for a tempered, eclectic naturalism. But the case for naturalism is often overstated. We should not overestimate the heuristic benefits of close attention to scientists’ claims, nor should we give up on traditional “armchair” philosophical methods. We should not draw solely on the natural sciences (at the expense of the humanities) when seeking to enrich and (...)
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    An Ethics Role-Playing Case.Tim Manuel - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:141-154.
    This paper discusses a role playing ethics case suitable for business students in which participants must balance shareholder and stakeholder concerns. Students take on the role of operations manager and are challenged to consider the effects of their choices on the local society as they balance the demands of stockholders, employees, and family when the concerns of the groups come into conflict. The exercise helps students understand the need to consider the ethicalcomponents of business decisions and the difficulties of handling (...)
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  31. The Darwinian view of culture: Alex Mesoudi: Cultural evolution: how Darwinian theory can explain human culture and synthesize the social sciences. University of Chicago Press, 2011.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (5):745-753.
    Alex Mesoudi’s book shows cultural evolution to be a mature field, which has already illuminated many instances of cultural change. Mesoudi’s presentation of the discipline nonetheless invites three objections. First, the culture concept it makes use of is not clearly defined; second, Mesoudi’s historical argument which looks back to the modern synthesis in order to predict an analogous synthesis in the social sciences is flawed; third, Mesoudi’s understanding of the positions held by leading figures within social science is shaky.
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    NASD Rule 2110 and the VA Linux IPO.Tim Loughran - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (2):141-146.
    On December 9, 1999, VA Linux issued shares to the public and left over $900 million on the table for investors. In the prospectus, the investment banker Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) stated it would receive a 7% gross spread as its compensation for underwriting the shares. Yet the SEC alleges some investors paid enormous commissions to CSFB in the form of a kick-back immediately after obtaining the IPO shares. Hence, CSFB had an economic interest in the IPO and there (...)
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  33.  22
    The Map/Territory Relationship in Game-Theoretic Modeling of Cultural Evolution.Tim Elmo Feiten - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-14.
    The cultural red king effect occurs when discriminatory bargaining practices emerge because of a disparity in learning speed between members of a minority and a majority. This effect has been shown to occur in some Nash Demand Game models and has been proposed as a tool for shedding light on the origins of sexist and racist discrimination in academic collaborations. This paper argues that none of the three main strategies used in the literature to support the epistemic value of these (...)
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    A Metaphysics of Artifacts: Essence and Mind-Dependence.Tim Juvshik - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    My dissertation explores the nature of artifacts – things like chairs, tables, and pinball machines – and addresses the question of whether there is anything essential to being an artifact and a member of a particular artifact kind. My dissertation offers new arguments against both the anti-essentialist and current essentialist proposals. Roughly put, the view is that artifacts are successful products of an intention to make something with certain features constitutive of an artifact kind. The constitutive features are often functional (...)
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    The dream of a democratic culture: Mortimer J. Adler and the Great books idea.Tim Lacy - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book presents a moderately revisionist history of the great books idea anchored in the following movements and struggles: fighting anti-intellectualism, advocating for the liberal arts, distributing cultural capital, and promoting a public philosophy, anchored in mid-century liberalism, that fostered a shared civic culture.
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  36. From activist to action: how Dr. Sol Tax helped me find my way in anthropology.Tim Wallace - 2012 - In Darby C. Stapp (ed.), Action anthropology and Sol Tax in 2012: the final word? Richland, WA: JONA.
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  37. Marcuse's ecological critique and the american environmental movement.Tim Luke - 2004 - In John Abromeit & William Mark Cobb (eds.), Herbert Marcuse: a critical reader. New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Accumulation Crisis.Tim Luke - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):163-169.
    Reading James O'apos;Connor's Accumulation Crisis is very confusing. At certain junctures, it reads like the “sequel” to The Fiscal Crisis of the State, elaborating the expanding of his 1973 critique of modem macroeconomic management as a spoils system of special interests. At odier turns, it comes across as a “prequel” to the earlier work, oudining a tortuous logic for the underproduction and accumulation crises that set off the “fiscal crises” he described over a decade earlier. Although not all that new, (...)
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    (1 other version)Televisual democracy and the politics of charisma.Tim Luke - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):59-79.
  40.  24
    Chaucer and the History of English.Tim William Machan - 2012 - Speculum 87 (1):147-175.
    Linguistic history, like all history, is written retrospectively. It is written from some historical vantage that allows a critic to survey what has been previously spoken and written and to decide which forms are representative, which aberrant, which tangential, and which proleptic in the ways they figure in a coherent account of language change and development. While speakers use language to accomplish specific tasks in specific situations, historians assemble these utterances into moments of stasis and narratives of change. Classifying the (...)
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    Richard Taylor Remembered.Tim Madigan, Barry Gan & Robert Holmes - 2004 - Philosophy Now 44:36-37.
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    Schopenhauer’s Compassionate Morality.Tim Madigan - 2005 - Philosophy Now 52:16-17.
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    Conceptual Issues and Existential Functions.Constantine Sedikides, Tim Wildschut & Denise Baden - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press. pp. 205.
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  44. A participatory model of the atonement.Tim Bayne & Greg Restall - 2008 - In Yujin Nagasawa & Erik Wielenberg (eds.), New waves in philosophy of religion. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 150.
    In this paper we develop a participatory model of the Christian doctrine of the atonement, according to which the atonement involves participating in the death and resurrection of Christ. In part one we argue that current models of the atonement—exemplary, penal, substitutionary and merit models—are unsatisfactory. The central problem with these models is that they assume a purely deontic conception of sin and, as a result, they fail to address sin as a relational and ontological problem. In part two we (...)
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    Prospects for evolutionary policy.Tim Lewens - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (4):495-514.
    A small minority of biologists, psychologists and philosophers have recently tried to show, in various ways, that evolutionary psychology is of relevance to politics and to policy makers. Two widely accepted arguments still suffice (with only a little tweaking) to dismiss such attempts to forge a link between evolution and policy. The first denies the link between adaptation and fixity, the second denies that ‘adaptive thinking’ is of strong heuristic benefit. Finally, the silence of many evolutionary explanations with respect to (...)
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    From In Two Minds to MIND: The circulation of ‘anti-psychiatry’ in British film and television during the long 1960s.Tim Snelson - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (5):53-81.
    This article explores the circulation of ‘anti-psychiatry’ in British film and television during the long 1960s, focusing on the controversial BBC television play In Two Minds and its cinema remake Family Life. These films were inspired by R. D. Laing's ideas on the aetiology of schizophrenia, and were understood as uniting the personal and political motivations of progressive film-makers and progressive psychiatrists. Drawing upon practitioner interviews with producer Garnett and director Loach, and extensive archival research on the production and reception (...)
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  47. The faces of human nature.Tim Lewens - 2018 - In Elizabeth Hannon & Tim Lewens (eds.), Why We Disagree About Human Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Classroom Discussions in Education, edited by P Karen Murphy (2018), Routledge, New York and London.Tim Sprod - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (1).
    We hear a lot about bubbles and echo chambers these days. People talk only to others who have similar ideas to themselves. Supporters of political parties, believers in conspiracy theories (such as QAnon), members of many other groups continually talk to fellow believers, and seldom seriously consider what outsiders say. However, we need to acknowledge that we ourselves also exist within bubbles. While perhaps not in the same league as the examples above, philosophy for/with children (P4/wC) advocates and researchers can (...)
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    Abbott and Costello Meet Wittgenstein.Tim Madigan - 1999 - Philosophy Now 25:12-12.
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    Aristotle on Forming Friendships.Tim Madigan & Daria Gorlova - 2018 - Philosophy Now 126:6-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is the article's first paragraph: Although he lived long ago, the ethical writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle still have relevance to the present day, particularly when we want to understand the meaning of friendship. In Books VIII and IX of his work the Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle categorizes three different types of friendship: friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure, and friendships of the good. Briefly, friendships of utility are where people are on cordial terms (...)
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